Simple ways to boost immunity in Covid times

Eat light, sleep tight, exercise right, stay happy & bright!

These are simple ways to boost your immunity in current scenario and for forever.

You should eat small portions frequently. Whatever you are eating from morning to bed- divide it into 2 halves and eat at a interval of 3-4 hours. Suppose you eat 6 roti/chapati at once- now eat 3-3 rotis at interval of 3 hours.

Add green vegetables grown locally at least a full katori three times a day. Eat less of non-veg products.

Add a nimbu/lemon in your diet daily.

Drink milk of desi cow or buffalo or goat mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric in morning & evening. Avoid milk of Jersey or mixed breed cows.

You can have a homemade kadha once daily, but be cautious if it causes gas problem or in case of piles.

Eat chyawanprash 1-1 tsf in morning and evening.

Never forget to brisk walk for at least 30 minutes daily. Spend 15 minutes under morning sunlight on your roof while doing gardening like taking care of flower pots.

Keep yourself happy! Engage yourself, give yourself the me-time! Do what you like to do. Dance, music, movies, phone-a-friend, chatting, facebooking, reading spiritual texts or watching spiritual videos. List depends on you!

Wear masks when in public places, maintain social distancing but don’t socially isolate yourself !

Maintain hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene. Do breathing exercises & yoga.

If you come in contact with a Covid patient or are a high risk person- start prophylactic doses of medicine after consulting your family physician.

Remember, corona is a simple disease. Almost 100% of us will get infected in near future. But most of us will never realise it. You will get out of it without even knowing it. It’s causing problem in a very few percent of people who need specialised care. Actual mortality rate is going to be around 0.3% in india as per my personal calculation. If you maintain a good daily habits- chances are you will get immune to it easily!

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